Hi everyone! This is Koen Davies.
Me, Mom, Dad, Bryce and Mr. Kuiper |
In this picture, you can see me, the one in the green shirt on the left.
Things around here are
way different than they are in Michigan. I'm pretty much one out of ten to fifteen kids at my school who has hair that's not black! So anyway, to business.
The kids at Krakatau |
About a month ago we went to an island called Krakatau (Pronounced Crack-a-t-ow). Krakatau is also the name of the
active volcano that's also on the island. So we camped there for only a night, which was great, because they gave us
stone hard mat to sleep on, and the tent was small, and I can tell you, black sand is not as soft as it looks. We went with the Kuipers, the Huizengas, the Fehrs, the Hansens and the Aadmirals. We swam in the ocean and me, Claira Kuipers, Claire Huizinga and Faith Fehr jumped off the boat. Bryce Kuipers almost did it, but he chickened out in the end. Avaleigh Hansen also jumped in a few times, and her brother Luke came up once. After that we hiked up, not to the top, but to the top of a hill near by the volcano. It was very windy up there. Above is picture of the kids on the hill.
Left to Right: Back Row: Luke, Me. Front Row: Bryce, Tysen |
Here's a picture of the boys at the restaurant on the island next to Krakatau. In the top right corner is me, Koen. Beside me in the blue shirt is Tysen, in front of Ty in the white shirt is Bryce Kuipers, and on Bryce's other side is Luke Hansen.
Jurassic Park, Universal Studios |
The next weekend, we went to Singapore for our work visas. But we didn't have to work or anything, so we flew to Singapore along with the Bittners and the Fehrs. I had planned for a nice hotel, but we got a little room with two bunk beds and no bathroom. So the first night wasn't exactly my style. But the next day we went to Universal Studios. One of my friends in America asked me what was Universal Studios was in email, so I'll just give out the answer. Picture Disney Land in your head. Then think of Disney Land with Transformers, Jurassic Park, Shrek, Puss in Boots and Madagascar. That's what Universal Studios is. Tysen's and my favorite part was Jurassic Park. There were statues of dinosaurs, and they had a "real" Velociraptor. We went on the Transformers ride, which is supposed to be the best ride there. They set up the waiting area like the Autobot base, it had the Autobot symbol everywhere and TVs that tell you the safety rules, except they made it seem like it was connected with Transformers. When we actually got on the ride, they made you wear 3D glasses so it would be realistic. So we got on and the cart turned the corner and I heard blaster fire. Like some people got machine guns and had a war. Apparently the ride had 360 degree screens with a sort of movie on it. So then I see transformers starting to shoot at each other, and all of the sudden a Decipticon dog thing jump onto the hood of our car. It was kind of like this for the rest of the ride. And I covered my eyes when Megatron appeared and starts trying to kill you. And then there's also a part in the ride where you drive off the top of a skyscraper. Megatron tried to jump and catch us, and I thought it was the end. But, it wasn't because obviously I wouldn't be typing this if it had been. So, we barely survived that ride.
Attack of the Velociraptor |
The day after that, we went to the zoo. We saw the white tiger, the cheetahs, and many other animals. Dad and I named a few of them. The polar bear is now The Murder Teddy, the white tiger is the Albino Death Kitty, the lion is Death Kitty, and the cheetahs are The Rocket Kitties.
So after that we came back to Jakarta and went back to school. Not very exciting.
The End!